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Bright sunshine , heavy rain combo...

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Bobbisox | 11:55 Thu 08th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
enough is enough Mr God :-(((


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Can't...going to see my grand parents shortly. I will give it some thought though.
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arrhh good :0)
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Triggs shurrruuppp man
CB is amusing donchya know??
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oops, rats and drainpipes spring to mind
closes door with a
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The weather she deserves!!!!

That would be fog, snow, sleet, thunderstorms, hurricanes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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fanks LL a real sad face now...:0(
It's not real life Bobbi....don't be sad.
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I absolutely hate it when it's sunny, warm and raining, yuk
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hey Neti, I was just thinking about you, how are ya?
Fine, looking forward to getting to England next week, for big annual spend!

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Bright sunshine , heavy rain combo...

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