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Internet Virgins

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chrissa1 | 15:10 Fri 09th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
21 Answers
I met and old teaching colleague the other day after about 12 years and found out that her and her husband are still firmly planted in the 20th century.

They have a laptop but never use it, have mobile phones which are never switched on, (emergency use only), don't have Sky+ and don't even have the 1571 service on their phone. They have only recently ventured into the world of Debit Cards.

I have offered to introduce them to the Internet with all its joys. What sites would anyone think are the most useful and interesting, besides AB of course.


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Good idea Cazzz. I mentioned to her that say, she wanted a new washing machine etc, she could compare prices at different shops instaed of traipsing around. She liked the idea of that.

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