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How do you Judge people?

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TWR | 19:59 Fri 09th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
19 Answers


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Yes, very well ta.
Harshly most of the time!
Off with their heads...LOL
I'm cautious until I've made up my mind.
Look in the jobcentre to see if there are any vacancies.
Mostly I think they are Gulity....
...until proven otherwise
invariably by the cover... which I know is not the right way
Are you not supposed to divide them into two types, wanks and good guys??
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You could say that about the female sex Annie, but I'm not going into that
-- answer removed --
My wife said I was obsessed with 'Judge Judy', so naturally I set up a court case in the living room to resolve the problem.
I'm with Annie
On gut Instant.
It depends. Most people I don't judge at all and just accept for what they are. Where business is concerned that's different. How? Listen!
by the way they treat me.
Judge not, that ye be not judged.
Judge not, that ye be not judged, for as ye judge so shall ye be judged.

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How do you Judge people?

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