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How Selfish Some People Are!

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ladybirder | 23:33 Thu 08th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
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My friend has given in his notice at Glyndebourne and is leaving shortly. How selfish is he, just thinking of his own career. What about my free tickets to Glyndebourne every summer. Grrr some people.


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I'd take a freebie to almost any show at the Theatre Royal, Brighton. The building is an 'artistic performance' in its own right, even when it's empty!
00:03 Fri 09th Sep 2011
Oh no !!!!!!
What a nasty person....never speak to them again!!! Spread rumours about them...
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Well, that's just not on, ladybirder.
How dare he, delete him from your phone and FB immediately!
You've not said where he's going to. If, for example, he's going to be working on a luxury cruise liner, there might be certain advantages for you in his change of career ;-)
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Oh yes, sob!
Good idea ummmm. I'll start tomorrow. On second thoughts he might get a job at the ROH so better wait and see.
Wonders how to become ladybirder's "new best friend".
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It might not be worth it now JJ. Mind you, you could have had a freebie to La Cage Aux Folles at the Theatre Royal this afternoon. It was hilarious. Brighton amateurs but very good and really funny.
I'd take a freebie to almost any show at the Theatre Royal, Brighton. The building is an 'artistic performance' in its own right, even when it's empty!
Oh, jolly, LB.

I hope you started the afternoon with a few Caipirinhas at Las Iguanas !

(oh ... maybe it's just me who does that sort of thing, then).

Oh, by the way ... just recently, I was cutting through Kensington Gardens, you know the bit where The White Rabbit pub is? down the little shopping lane, and it has the benches outside the front - and we all had to stand and wait because there was a film crew, filming a scene for a movie, it looked like.

Nobody I've asked knows what it was all about.
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Agreed, it's lovely but I wish it had air conditioning. It was packed and boiling in there today.
Ladybirder - really? I saw La Cage at the Theatre Royal - twice - about fifteen years back - Brighton & Hove Operatic - it was superb, they had borrowed the West End costumes. I would have come over to see it if I'd known it was running again!
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Boxy it's the Brighton Theatre Group I think. It's on tomorrow and two performances on Saturday and then finished.
I could be wrong about who performed it (it's a long time ago) but they were amateur, it was stunning. "I am what I am" brought the house down. Brilliant show. I hope it was well attended!
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Ooh no idea JJ. Interesting. Ear will be kept firmly to the ground.
I saw La Cage in London with John Barrowman- one of the best things I;ve ever seen! Next up was "End of the Rainbow" which I saw this week with Tracie Bennett. Don't miss it Ladybirder if it comes to Brighton.

Why did your friend leave Glyndebourne?
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Boxy I would say it was 95% full yesterday afternoon so not bad for a matinee by amateurs. An Old Queen in front of me was very sniffy about it and said it was a travesty of the West End version. He left at the interval thankfully and took the stink of stale fag smoke with him. Old chap to my left and his wife sat there po faced and tutting from beginning to end, obviously hadn't done their home work before booking. I was spoilt for choice, didn't know whether to watch the show or the audience. Hilarious.
Maidup I'm sorry but I would have to kill you if I told you why my friend left Glyndebourne. It's private but nothing bad.
All the best to him in whatever he does.
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Maidup thank you for your kind words.

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