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persisting down

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rsvp | 19:24 Sat 10th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
okay folks - it's absolutely persisting down here (extreme SE) - washing on line is thoroughly rinsed.


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sorry to be a dweeb - where's keynsam? - don't have a map to hand to check
keynsam?.no idea!
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okay keynsham - it's been a bad day.
Yes, it is also raining here too very heavily.

What is the best way to keep water out of a house?

Don't pay the water rates!
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:-) jonnyboy12
It has been a pleasant afternoon and evening here. I went for a long walk in the afternoon and did an hour's work in the garden this evening.
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euphemia - it was great here today -boot sale in the morning, I went to our local village festival this afternoon , picked blackberries, did a bit in the garden then the heavens opened - it wasn't unpleasant though, nice steady heavy rain.
where are you, rsvp? - I didn't think you could get much more extreme SE than me!
A bit of refreshment after the fun!
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too right Euphemia!
Boxtops - not too far from Ashford - Dover is also just down the road

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persisting down

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