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Last night of the Proms

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Dee Sa | 09:53 Sun 11th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
I sat thru the lot waiting with my little flag to bob up & down to the sea shanties [ well I'd had a few vodkas by then !] when Mr S said they arent going to do them any more, to which I replied dont be daft its tradition, but he was right [as usual], can anyone tell me why, its just not the same.


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awww that's a shame Dee, I didn't see it...again ,as I went to the Club
sorry i don't know but wanted to comment on 'the dress'. I didn't really get it - it looked uncomfortable and silly - like a home-made fancy dress outfit. Was it all supposed to light p?
And to have the mike not working - 3 times - at the end! Not the usual standard :(
I don't think they've had them for the last couple of years, dee sa - they didn't have them in 2008 certainly. I like them!

I really didn't rate that stupid outfit the woman singing Britannia was wearing - very home-made!
LOL crisgal, yours crossed with mine - yes, the daffodil on the front lit up, but I have no idea what that pole she was carrying was supposed to be!
She looked like the cleanikng woman had arrived at Lady Alex's Hall to clean up after the Mad over-50's Club party.

I found it a curate's egg last night - parts of it were awful (esp the 1st half) and parts of it excellent, especially Lang Lang and the Britten version of the Anthem. I wish that they adapted that version for the full Anthem, more inspiring than the ditty, supposedly composed by a German, Mr Handel.

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Last night of the Proms

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