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The naked civil servant

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Teddy_boy | 03:19 Sat 10th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
Do you think British society has moved on since the time when Quentin crisp had to suffer so much prejudice because of his sexuality?
Or are the british still as prejudiced as ever to homosexuals?


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Whilst many more people are able to accept gay men and women as they do any other member of society, single or as a couple, sadly there are those who will never change. As has been said here, many learn from their parents and grandparents and their homophobia is so ingrained that they will never see another POV.

Whilst my mum never exactly hated homosexuals, there was always some private ridicule and the thought that they were a little strange. I'm only glad I managed to see beyond my mum's limited perceptions because I've made some lovely friends that I wouldn't otherwise have given the time of day to.
Well I must be the exception that proves the rule then. I have gay friends, male and female and I'm in my 70's. Never had a problem accepting that some people are different from me. So please don't lump me in with these older people mentioned here several times who will never accept gay people. It's none of my or anybody else's damn business what their sexual orientation is and I don't see why they should be judged by just one aspect of their character. Yes I think it has got better but still not good enough. I particularly remember one very old lady neighbour in Yorkshire who sidled up to me and said, "I can't stand those bloomin' homos, can you?" I told her, "Peggy you don't know any", but she insisted she couldn't stand 'em anyway. Didn't have the heart to tell her that the vicar whom she adored was gay although I would have been interested to know whether she would have decided she didn't like him after all as a gay person.
What I cannot understand is people saying they are not homophobic and are more tolerant than the older generation. If I were homosexual I don't think I'd like to be tolerated..............

Not really Teddy, I'm just saying that people cant express how they really feel nowadays for fear of imprisonment, these days voicing your dislike of others is a crime...whether it be someones sexuality or race......

what an odd point of view, do you seriously dislike someone purely based on their race or sexuality??
"Dolt" appears to be out of his depth with the challenge placed on his posts here. (As I said earlier - Dolt by name...)
...excuse me; out of *her depth.

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