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lidl perfume?

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gina32 | 18:30 Sun 28th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
i know this was a thread a while ago but just wondered if anyone has tried the new pperfume from lidl yet, supposed to be very nice, i asked in my local store and was told they havent had it yet, even tho there is a massive poster outside the shop advertising it!


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Naah, a smaller one in Sussex - it was about 6 in the morning, the embers of the fire had all but given out and I'd got talking to this nice Scottish lady and her husband who said "Wid ye like tae go an look at the baadgers!?" there was a badger set in the woods nearby, then she handed me her Lidl night vision scope !
Hahaha! Did it work... or did you smash it in her face? :-/
Ooh er ! - no I didn't smash it in her face (weird thing to say?) yes, it worked very well, though I didn't see any badgers.
or take a pee in the woods?!
Lol! It's not a weird thing to say. I know lots of men who smash their things in women's faces!
'Smash their things in women's faces' ?? Sorry, but in my book, that is not normal behaviour.
Haha. Normal? Who mentioned normal?! Anyhows, I am off to bed. Night night...
Guten nacht x
Emu.. they do sometimes sell satnavs. I have one(silverline, a rebadged carrera) that cost £40, it is as good as a basic tom tom that cost 3X as much.
I have it too. It is called "Suddenly" and costs £3.99. I have had a lot of people complementing me on it and two friends have asked me to pick some up for them while there. Nice to not have to worry about the cost too! I'm delighted with it!
been meaning to try Suddenly, but will remember to buy some on my next visit to Aldi!.....sounds worth a try!.........
I really do like it :) and seriously for that money you can't go wrong :) x And it's great for all ages, me and my sister (20) love it and so does my mother (45) x
Lidl Welshy not Aldi. What is it supposed to smell like Carakeel, someone said Chanel No5 a while back. I;ll have to remember the next time I go.
I heard it was Chanel Chance, but could well be something different xx
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