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Actually I kind of knew already

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Hettster | 17:49 Tue 13th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I am just wondering if like me you have ever submitted a question and thought afterwards having got the answers from the good folk who visit Answerbank . . . . . "Actually I kind of knew the answer already" . . . I guess if your like me, sometimes I just needed the reassurance that I was on the right lines.


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my mate lofty drives trains, he some times need reassurance that he is on the right lines
-- answer removed --
my mate is a DJ and he occasionally needs assurance that he is on the right track
Otherwise known as a lack of self-confidence.
Fibber Trim. you asked me one night if I'd been drinking.
No as on here you can get 5 answers that are all the same and then guaranteed someone will come along and say completely the opposite.
that has never happened Prudie
my friend hangs curtains and occasionally she needs assurance that she is on the right track
Oh I got that wrong then ;-))
I've known that prudie too.

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Actually I kind of knew already

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