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The Body Farm

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micmak | 21:58 Tue 13th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Did anyone watch this ? I really enjoyed it. What did you think?


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It was OK-ish but a bit far fetched with all the gadgets etc.

I bet real forensic officers if watching were have a laugh!
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Loved it.
The story was good but I do agree that some elements were far fetched. Still good viewing though, and tht's been scarce lately.
I was so lloing forward to it, but was a bit disapointed, to many gadgets not enough story. Not as good as Waking the Dead, in my opinion
What programme was that on. I missed it. I saw a true Body Farm some time ago, which was used to teach Forensic Scientists. It was horrific, turned me right off wanting to be a Forensice Scientist (that is if I wasn't already too old).
Definately not as good as Waking the Dead chaffinch, I agree
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I have to admit I never watched Waking the Dead. I wish I had now.
Watched it this morning - hardly held my attention so I think I shall be missing the rest.
Don't worry mikmak, I expect you're enjoying The Body Farm more without having seen it...I couldn't help but compare it

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