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paypal email

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ruthann58 | 19:21 Wed 14th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
hi have received an email supposed to be from paypal saying its receipt for money paid to skype which i dont have ,checked my account and moneys not been taken so reckon its a scam any body else had similar


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Yes, several times. Don't open it.
there are lots of iffy purported Paypal emails out there. I'd say ignore them all!

never ever click on a link in one of their emails.
It's spam, I get these quite regularly. Forward it to [email protected], then delete.
I've had one today 'from' the Halifax saying that HMRC wants to deposit some cash in my (non)existent account, curious to know what the link actually says but I am obviously not going to open it.
that one goes to [email protected], sherrard.
Hi Boxtops - sorry for being dim, do you mean that I should forward it to that address? (I am amazingly thick at times.)
Yes, just hit forward and send to that address, then delete the one they sent to you.
I did get an e-mail from paypal saying that another person had activated another e-mail address to my account. It didnt bother me because on the same day I received an e-mail telling me that my long lost uncle had left me $40 million in a Nigerian bank account, so i win anyway.

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