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Morning One and All

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WELSHYORKIE | 06:18 Fri 16th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
My turn to kick off the thread today is it - well here goes :



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...rowan the Tower of London and the Jewels are on my bucket list...would love to see them.

Welshy...have a good time next week..I'll say a little prayer for you and your Sylvia on Tuesday.

(you know..don't cha) we will all go to hell in a haycart without your steady hand here next week!! xx
Haven't been for ages....pity if they are not.... and there is an awful lot of security for replicas
morning one and all - have a first aid course all day so if anyone wants bandaging doing this evening - I'm your woman. have a good day
Rowan - sorry, just saw your post ^. My boss, for emergency use, has a list of my health issues and the meds which I am taking. Like the Ariston advert - it goes on and on and on ... However I still enjoy the odd medicinal tot which goes down beautifully - nothing at all like a bomb :)
Thanks ttfn..look forward to reading about that at coffee break.

Wot!!! where are the real ones????!!!!
I meant if it makes the world look that wonderful its better than what ever they are giving me..

Noraq...worth the queue but go round the conveyor twice as you won't see them properly in one go..'
And also do the river boat trip past the tower get the view that prisoners would have as they approached their doom
I was thinking of a Week-end in London Rowan..mabe in the New much I want to see..Week-end might not be enough...Want to see the British Museum..but I hear I might need a couple of weeks to get round it.
Aaaaagh...look at the time.....bye everyone. xx
Morning Welshy and everybody, have a good holiday. Hoping to get the grass cut this morning before the rain starts, not looking very promising here in the Eastern Shires. Hope you all have a good day, and let's hope the Welsh miners get rescued safely.
look forward to seeing you, next week WY
missing ta xxx
Morning everybody, just been watching the latest news about the miners and while I hope for the best I do fear the worst. I remember the Lofthouse disaster in the early 70's. which unfortunately ended badly
London.... do the sightseeing bus to get all the open air stuff out the way then Tower of London on another day...combined with a boat trip between greenwich and Westminster and if you can book the london eye thats more than enough for one week end
Ahh, I missed welshy then and he is going away what a shame. He He. He knows when he is beaten by a better yokel.

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