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netibiza | 08:41 Sat 17th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
I have changed it to a more appropriate one, as I am now in dull and damp Eastbourne ( and I'm lovin' it, no more sweaty heat!)


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How long are you here for Neti?
Question Author
2 days!
Welcome to the UK, neti - it's not raining here in Dover along the coast from you (yet!
We've got hazy sunshine in South London.

Hope you have a nice 2 days here x
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I'm here til the 27th (by which time I will have shopped for England and run out of money completely)
Question Author
Have bought myself a Samsung Galaxy phone, so much easier than the damned HTC Wildfire! Oh I love treating myself.
Have a great time neti, do you know it's my dream to be on a shopping trip in the UK knowing that I would be returning to my home in the Balearics (Menorca specifically). I envy you so much!
When we went to Malta this year, we were told there (as things are dear) that people come back to the UK with empty suitcases and return with them full - are you doing that, neti?
I like your av you :-)
By the time you've had a few days of this lovely (!) weather, you'll be praying ot go back to Ibiza!
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I do bring a handluggage suitcase in my almost empty big suitcase and fill them both up, trouble is, I am only 2 days into the hols, and suitcase (and body) are bulging like mad already. Bank account is slimmer though!
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Prudie, don't you ever come to England to shopping. I could not live without coming over and getting away from my lot in Ibiza, and I buy all the little luxuries that we cannot either get or afford in Ibiza.
Our friends in Malta say the same - it's a lovely island, they love it there, but it's only a few square miles, they need to get away. Almost everything in the shops has to be imported - stuff in their M&S was hugely more expensive than it is here.
do you like to take back anything special?
Question Author
I take back, saucepans, hoovers, curry powder, laptops, egg boilers, sheets clothes underwear,always new boots, new mobile phone, food processor, absolutely anything! Last year I paid for a courier to deliver a big box for me.Last year I took back two packets of Vesta curry, I had forgotten how awful they were!!

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