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sherrardk | 22:25 Sat 17th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
... Get midget gems to 'float' in jelly? Pretty sure they will sink if I just chuck them in so what do you reckon is the best way to get them to stay in a specific place. I only want three to stay put so I am prepared for a bit of faffing about.


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wait till it's half set before putting them in?
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snigger at semi hard, How old am i?
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This is getting complicated now! Already had to re-do one bit as it didn't go to plan.
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bednobs, you're a 12 year old boy!
On the point of a pin suspended in position by a complicated arrangement of cocktail sticks and cotton thread? :o)
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It's not for eating - it's part of a model of a plant cell. Made the middle bit (twice) from plain jelly made from gelatin (first lot too squishy). Boy #1 is going to put lime jelly round that bit (with midget gems for the bits) and then lime jelly plus food colouring round those two bits to make the cell.
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JTH - that might just do it, the boy will have to work put where the bits need to go.
wow, you're dedicated!
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Sara - I'm bored, bored put of my tiny mind (the boy is doing it himself, I am supervising the use of the microwave - they have changed the way you make jelly now!).
Sounds like a good cell model Sher.... would love to see the finished product :) x
Make jelly (with gums) in ice cube tray, plus some without.Let set. When set, freeze. When hard, arrange vertically and horizontally as you want.

Make up a jelly as you would, allow to cool enough without setting, pour in to infill the space, and it might work
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I like your thinking postdog - that sounds like a plan!
fridge the jely sher, keep checking it, when almost set, then place your midget gems!......good luck with that!........
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I so have to find something to occupy my mind - I truly can't believe that I am posting questions about floating midget gems in jelly :)
I think if you coat them in icing sugar they won't sink.

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