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have you ever been jealous...

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stokemaveric | 20:12 Sat 17th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
of anyone??..and why??...[im just being nosey]...


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Yes......very rare...but yes.
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I'm jealous of Bernie Ecclestone's daughter with the big house and the crystal bath fgs.
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not really stoke! happy with my lot, and I really just wish everyone well!......never been jealous of anyone so far!......
I should have been Steffi Graf...........
There's a difference between jealousy and envy isn't there. I am envious of people with a talent, probably because I haven't got one. I don't think I am jealous though, because I always connect that with relationships and as I am now too old I haven't got anyone to be jealous of. In the past perhaps.
Not jealous exactly! But I wish I had the gift of the gab. I can think of
something glib to say but always long after the moment has passed.
True JE, and I'm taller than him (well everyone is aren't they) but he has more money than my dad who hated F1 for a start. I just want to have what she has.
Honest admiration for another's talent isn't jealousy. Jealous people rarely admit - even to themselves - that they are jealous. Take note petal, erin and Athley. :o)
Eh? Me? Why.. i'm confused =s haha
Oh no wait.. I get it now.. lol x
Erin, you simply honestly admire certain qualities in others - and that is not jealousy. Jealousy involves invidious qualities - and from what you've said you don't possess them. :o)
Oops. Cross-posted there. Good. :o)
Yes last week at a party my other half was getting chatted up but neither of us remembered the details so that was the end of it!
Whats the point? if anyone has more that I and worked for it, good luck to them.
I'm not jealous, but I'm sometimes envious.
Boxy, as long as I have my health, believe it or not material things in life or what other people have don't bother me
I'd love to be able to sing like Adele so yes, I'm jealous.

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