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What sort of a view of a stage would you get from a 'temporary pit' seat?

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sandyRoe | 23:01 Sat 17th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
I'm guessing this is a seat in the orchestra pit and the view won't be the best.


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Nobody ever had to sit in one?
a stiff neck I would have thought sandy ..
An Upskirt one I suppose ! ;-)))
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Then a stiff neck might be a cheap price to pay for the view.
What sort of production is it Sandy?

At a guess these are either seats in the orchestra pit for show with no orchestra. If so they will be oK if a little low and close. Or they are loose seats in an area where poeople usually stand such as in an arena venue. In which case they might be very good seats although be prepared for them to be on a flat floor, so don't go too far back as you'll not see above the heads.

Do they give you a seat plan?
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It's the Michael Jackson, Thriller Live, show. These seats were the only ones available on the night we wanted to go.

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What sort of a view of a stage would you get from a 'temporary pit' seat?

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