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World Truth?

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Sagz | 05:07 Mon 19th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
What are these predictions about earthquake hitting earth on the 19th? Anyone knows of this?


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gives you all the info you need

Hi Sagz...what earthquakes...Aaagh...that's to-day!!!!!!!!!!!
noraq, no worries, not here, on the link i provided it gives those predicted for today, none seem particularly worrisome
Question Author
Wow, so today for you is the 19th? I'm still on the 18th lol.
sagz, its monday 19th..
Whew!!....thanks Em10...guess it's o.k. to go to work then?.....=)
noraq i would hazard a guess that it's fine, a bit dark still, but that's as exciting as it gets.
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Sorry to scare you Noraq, I was just wondering about earthquakes and stuff. Thanks for the info em10, that was helpful and we didn't even know that there was a 4.4 mag earth shaking on the 15th, I know it's minor but we usually know about them. I guess it's not important for the governor to let his people know so they can be well prepared or something lol.

they happen all the time, across the world, we get them in Britain, it's just they are not usually noteworthy.
only joking Sagz...very little 'rocks' my world. =)
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Lol, I feel so dumb not knowing what's happening.

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