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There are times I'm glad

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albaqwerty | 10:51 Tue 20th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
59 Answers
that some things on here go over my head and I'm blissfully unaware.

Nudgesuffling springs to mind :)


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All this madam goes over the head of simple soul like myself, but it does not sound nice, call a truce.
oh, quite right, it will end in tears :(
There is a forced ceasefire going on currently.
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thankfully, some of the more unsavoury nasties seem to be permanently suspended ;)
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it will all come out in the wash trig..
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its times like these you learn to love again
rest assured butterfly that repeat offenders never prosper on here.. ;)
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I never unstand half of what's going on around here. I just look for the daggers flying.
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I would report all of you for causing trouble, but then who would I have left to talk to?
grrr, stupid keyboard. *understand.
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lol Evian, me niether and I try to duck under the daggers:D
no idea what it means either, nor care especially
Hi alba x

I think I have (more than) enough on my hands with Moony;)

Not sure I have the required spherical objects to type in my name, so I will just wish you an early sweet dreams and ttfn ....

Oh bugger - dare I look?

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There are times I'm glad

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