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Flipping heck!

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sherrardk | 16:46 Tue 20th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
All the rooms in the house (including spare bathroom) are clean and tidy at the same time (not including the oven though)!


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it wont last, take a picture of it!
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Has the cleaning fairy been sprinkling her fairy dust on your house? Can she come and do mine?
mine first *topples pineapple*
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Actually, think I must be poorly - even hoovered behind the sofas.
Gosh - am impressed - are you a saint? Are you up for hiring?
You are very obviously delirious........
hoovered behind the sofa?? you mean sofas can be moved? or did you just stick the hoover pole down there?
Question Author
I actually moved the sofas AND picked up all the lost toys, etc!
What's a hoover?
What's a spare bathroom?
I agree with JacktheHat.

I would also mention that only removal men move sofas.

(You move the sofas in my house at your peril!!!)
My other half's parents are due this weekend so the house will have it's ritual manic cleaning - I will be like someone possessed on Friday !!!! I may even hoover the cats ! ...... and after reading another post on here I supposed I'll have to clean the oven too :o(

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Flipping heck!

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