From the comments when mintyman99 provided the crossword, some of you have finished it. I have not and need help. 14a Former notification about love-god (5) A?I?O. 3d looks like BICE but to conform to 26a it needs an s rather than c?? 38A Amateur's setpiece (6) LAY??? if 34d is DAYS rather than DAZE. If I can get the above I might be able to figure our the theme but perhaps a little hint there will help!
Hello everyone. Does anyone agree that there is a problem with the clue to 3d which also affects 26a? The clue definition is "Pale blue paint" but that word would be "bice" not "bise" which is defined in Chambers as a "cold north or north-east wind."
Hi bakajiji - I thought so at first - that spelling is not in Chambers as you say, but if you look at K's link above, it is in other dictionaries..
Have finished the grid bar one answer that I do not understand. Can anyone clarify 24a for me? I have -re-ooled. I think its precooled but dont understand why.