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Why do people find 'SHOUTING' so annoying?

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Booldawg | 10:38 Thu 22nd Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Thats shouting as in typing in all caps.

Is it any harder to read or does it annoy because it shows an ignorant tone?


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It's called "shouty type"
Question Author
haha, lol! the VERY next question I read on the AB. When I read it in my head the voice was 'shouty'

Whooah ... that almost makes you sit back !!

Is there a prize for the longest heading to a question, or something?
I'm guilty of it in Q&P when answering crossword clues but I only use it for key words (rather than putting them in inverted commas).
When people use capitals for large parts of/all of their post I find it very hard to read. I also find it hard when people use lower case where capitals are needed.
I never knew you could get so many words in a question title.

The next part seemed to be in a whisper!!!
It's quite common and understandable to some extent for new posters who are not familiar with things to put the full question in the title box, but there are some regular posters who put the full question in teh title box and then repeat it in full in the question details box.

Getting back to the main question, I don't think posters who use capitals intend to shout. Maybe they are using their phone and find it easier to use all one case rather than toggling between upper and lower case.
It is harder to read, only because one isn't used to reading in upper case. The brain finds it easier to read in the lower case that it is used to. OMG I sound intelligent!!!
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lol, dido, you wouldnt want to get YOUR username wrong ;-o
subliminally you feel overwhelmed by the caps which makes digesting what is written difficult
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I've also noticed on some forums Scottish people typing in a Scottish accent - if that makes sense.
It depends how fluently the text is read, competent readers take notice of caps and punctuation and read as it is written. That is why capitals 'shout'.
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I read it in the style of John Sweeney losing it with the Scientologists.
Bulldawg - whit ir yoo oan aboot? Ah've nivver seen a'body prattle in Scots. ;o)
I have always thought it was used to shout something when you were annoyed, so I very rarely use it.

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