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Was This For Real ?

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Sammy48 | 16:16 Thu 22nd Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
My reflexology lady is also a healer, this afternoon whilst doing her thing on my feet, she started to cough and splutter, tears ran down her face, she was really quite distressed. After a glass of water the feeling in her throat subsided. She explained that she could feel my thyroid problem in her body. Apparently it has happened before to her, with other clients.

I have just told my daughter this and she has fell about laughing, saying its a trick. Why would this be a trick? It was quite scary.


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Sammy....she certainly took the therapist out of you......
After twelve years of therapy my psychiatrist said something that brought tears to my eyes.
He said, 'No hablo ingles.'
Sqad, you're on form today... :)) Very good.
LMAO at Snags at 17.30!!
Have you a thyroid problem and how does she know about it, if you have?
My dad is a healer (doesn't accept any kind of payment), Sammy. He's by no means a weirdo. I'm very sceptical of it all, but I do know him.
Good grief of course it wasn't real... However, perhaps the lady really thinks it does if that's any consolation... personally if someone said that to me during a course of therapy then they would no longer be involved in any treatment I had.
Like sandy I too was wondering if she knew beforehand about your thyroid problem ....
I wouldn't class it the same as acupuncture. You can get acupuncture on the NHS, as my friend does, after his stroke, which is helping with the pain and flexibility. I don't think you can get reflexology on the NHS, so I don't think it is believable.
Acupuncture is totally different. With acupuncture, you feel the physical effects of the needles. This (deluded) woman claimed to feel YOUR symptoms. Wake up before this woman takes you for a lot of money.
I pay for my acupuncture - for pain due to arthritis and I am certain it has improved me. I can walk much better since starting it. However I would not like to recommend it in case it didn't work on someone else. My acupuncturist is a Chinese doctor and is really good.
Sounds very suspect ... reminds me of a very gullible work colleague years ago who paid a lot of money to go to a healer who dealt in kinesiology (i think it was called) She told us he made her stand with arms outstretched holding a potato in one hand and an apple in the other. Suddenly (she said in all seriousness) her arms "shot up heavenward" and the apple flew up in the air and came down on her head. The healer said that proved she was allergic to apples!! You can imagine our response - we nearly fell off our chairs laughing ....and she wondered why!!

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