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Thought about putting this in Home and Garden but chat gets more answers...

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micmak | 22:16 Thu 22nd Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
My front door has a porch, not an added extra but there from the new build in 1972. There is (or was) lead flashng leading on to the porch. Last night someone ripped it out. I hope my building insurance will cover this. My Q is how much will the toerag that did this will get for the said lead flashing?


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Nothing is safe micmak, I'm not telling anyone about my hip replacement or I won't have a leg to stand on.
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LOL Gran
depends how much there was - about £1 a kilo?
Love it Gran. Sorry micmak, can't answer your question.
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I don't know what it weighed bednobs, but I don't understand why someone would do this.
A few quid for some porch flashing.
They collect/steal if from all over.
Is your local church 'Smatwatered' If not, it's maybe vulnerable.
Sorry ... * Smartwater
what's not to understand mick? you have something that's worth money. Some scrote steals it and sells it
been a lot of that lately micmak high prices paid. Been a few church roofs done a few miles from where we live plus some farm buildings. Terrible lengths they go to for money.
Church recently stripped of lead in Oxford area, for two nights they showed it on the news and asked people to keep a watched out at local churches the third night the theives struck again taking the remaining lead. So much for keeping a look out.
They stole mine too micmak, during the night, and I never even heard them do it although I sleep in the front of the house quite near the porch. My son-in-law has put something different on now (sorry don't know what it is called) which is equally as good but is not worth pinching. Actually they stole it twice - the first time they left it in the street because someone came out of their house so they ran away without it. My neighbour put it back on for me with strong links into the wall and all sorts of screws etc but they still managed to get it off again. They must be desperate. Makes me wonder why there aren't stronger safeguards in the scrap merchants where they take it to sell. I suppose they don't care.
We had ours stolen too, luckily SIL replaced it for us. 2 locals have also had their catalytic converters stolen. One was parked on the road under a street lamp, the nerve of these bstds!

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