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british legion

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ethandron | 15:17 Sat 24th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
43 Answers
has anyone else received a mailshot from them containing, amongs other things, a small wooden cross with a poppy attached to it?
i always buy a poppy and i support the help for heroes campaign, but i have to be honest and say i found this mailshot to be quite distasteful and have put it in the bin. what are your feelings about it?


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i have great admiration for you phil, as an ex serviceman, and i'm sure you will be standing proud on the day.
i will be buying my poppy as usual, observing the silence, and watching the parade with a lump in my throat.
Fair comment and thanks for your admiration, I mean that most sincerely.
My feelings are that I wouldn't have found it distasteful, at all.

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