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Jim Davidson

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Dee Sa | 17:37 Mon 26th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Iwent to see hm last night only because I won the tickets in a local rag comp, well I laughed my socks of for hour and a half and a lot of what he said in jokes made sense, I think he would make a better prime minister than the one we have right now.


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Why aren't Laurel and Hardy on TV any more?
Naughty naughty Jim - and Charlie Drake.
Warning - very very naughty!

Warning - very very naughty!
Very good Mark, i have every film that Laurel and Hardy ever made, i love them,
Me too. Bought the box set a couple of years ago.
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Brilliant!!! lolol
His only saving grace is the work he does for the forces...

could never get laurel and hardy... but then again I never got Fawlty towers or Only fools and horses... the whole want to squirm with embarrassment for them thing ...

Still it would be a boring world if we all thought the same...
I think he's very funny, just have to take the jokes not too seriously, anyway plenty of people are racist towards us!
Have the people who are slagging him off ever met him? I used to work with him from time to time back in the late 90s. He was always great company when off camera, good fun,respectful,and really very nice.
I haven't seen JD since he no longer appeared on television so have no idea what his act is like now. I seem to remember that I found some of his stuff funny back then.

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