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Guideline...."an indication of a....

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janzman | 19:51 Tue 27th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
...future course of action"....not a rule or a law or a directive which must be obeyed......If you want to cross this main road my guideline to you is to look right, look left and look right again, if all is clear then cross.Its not an order or a requirement,its a guideline........So why do we (United Kingdom that is) take every 'guideline' that Brussels spouts out as though it was sent from Mount Sinai on Tablets of Stone......France for one totally ignores them.


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Everyone ignores them except us.

It's like the Pirates' Code ... "Aaaarrrrrhhh ... we thinks of them more as ...

... guidelines."

Actually, on the continent, even the EU originated Laws, if they don't like them, they ignore them. People still smoke in French, Spanish and Portuguese restaurants, and they've had the smoking ban even longer than we have.
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Interesting jj I havn't travelled on the continent since the 70's didnt know that.But don't it get your heckles up.
I believe the sooner we tell that coven of vampires(sic) we are withdrawing from the EU,the better off we will be.
It is annoying, Janz.

We follow like timid sheep, while the rest of Europe says "I'm not doing that".
Because we are baaaaa sheep
I'm with janzman on this one.
We British seem to be an orderly, obedient race so we follow the diktats of Brussels -maybe we should become a little like the French and fling a few cobblestones at our rulers just to let them know we don't want to play with Brussels anymore either that or we just ignore them and play by our own rules like the rest of the EU

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Guideline...."an indication of a....

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