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Your dead right there sara! life is fragile.
Monday will bring it all back when he gets suited and booted in his favourite white bowls clothes, and me and his wife run around organising funeral dates etc. We all dread another funeral. But life has to go and we have to stay strong dont we x
Dear pusskin, I am so saddened to read this. May you take comfort that your brother is no longer suffering. You have done all you could and no doubt are a great support to his wife and the family. Bless you ♥
Question Author
Hi ttfn, nice of you to think of me, many thanks.
I feel quite a bit better than yesterday and hope i stay that way on the day of the funeral. Well, i know I'll crack but so will everyone else. xx
You would be surprised how well you stand up at the funeral, its the after time that is incredibly difficult, take care.
Been thinking of you pusskin - hope you are bearing up? also your family? x
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ah fanks annie86. I'm feeling much better today, and even ventured out to do a big shop in Tescos. I feel a bit like a zombie really, getting on with things and trying to keep busy. What I didnt mention the other day, was ---
On Monday morning on the day bruv died, I was lying in bed soundo when I heard my mobile go off for a text and thought Oh god he's died! that was at 8.10. When i lookedat my mobile there was nothing there.It really did shake me from a sleep. Well, an hour later I got a phone call from sister-in-law who had been sitting with him to say that he had passed away at 8.20. That was so so weird and felt that it was a warning to me of what was about to hit me.
thanks again for thinking of me xxx bless ya all
Ah maybe it was your Bruv thinking of you - sort of saying "bye bye" - how strange though. Glad you are ok, keep in touch - luv from us all x
Remembering you today pusskin as you and your sister-in-law organise the funeral and visit the undertakers. Hope it brings a bit of comfort to know that you are still in our thoughts and prayers. God bless x
Question Author
ah bless you annie. been a very busy day with all arrangements sorted now, and made lots of phone calls to family. Bruvs wife gave me a hug and said just how much she appreciates for always being there for her as all her family are in Scotland, and cheshire. So, resting a bit easier now and still cant believe its all happened since the middle of July. Unbelievable.
Funeral on 27th Sept. 1.40.p.m. Take care xxxxxx pusskins
Sorry to hear of your sadness pusskin, that is a lovely Matt Munro song, very fitting. xx
Hi pusskin - we have been thinking of you this afternoon at your brothers funeral. Hope you and your family were given comfort and strength to keep you going over the coming days. Love from all at AB xx
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Hi annie, ah you have remembered the funeral today, bless ya.

The sun shone all day and was pleasantly warm. Quite a few of family were there and loads of bowling friends of my lovely Bruv. It was such a lovely service and I quietly cried buckets as it really hit me that this is it! After the service we all finally got talking and ended up have a right ole laugh about the old days etc. I feel quiite relaxed tonight crashing out on the settee, and its hard to believe that i feel fine and hope I feel like that tomorrow too. I am so relieved right now and hope to sleep like a top. Thank you annie and others for all the words of comfort you offered me while feeling so lost and down. sleep tight and sweet dreams. xxx pusskins
You sleep well too pusskin ........... Glad it went ok and that you were blessed with a lovely sunny day (funerals seem so much sadder in the rain I always think) In the coming days you will remember all the happier times with your dear brother. God bless x

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R.I.P. my lovely Bruv

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