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Name the Fur-ball

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albaqwerty | 22:49 Tue 27th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Fluffy's is obviously murphy
Barmaid's must be Asbo, you can see it in his eyes :)

Sorry Salla and Ed about the furry heartbeat of your home...

Any moggies I'm missing??


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Yes alba - just talking about it now. It's been four months now, so hope is fading... we just hope he's managed to find somewhere else where people will look after him when he's not well, that's all we can hope for. (I wish he was at Chris's!)

Our wildlife from the catz has included - slow worms, frogs, mice, slugs, large moths, a dead rat - laid lovingly beside my bed - various birds or parts of them(including a robin, grrr). The piece de resistance was a live magpie they dragged through the catflap, it was resident in the light fitting when I came home from work!
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I was heavily pregnant when Tootsie dragged in a pigeon twice the size of her.

The dead pigeon and Tootsie stayed in the kitchen til Jimbob came home from work.
Evil Deeds (done dirt cheap) to give her her full name or 'Nice cat' as my MIL calls her because she thinks her rep is somewhat exaggerated is currently determined to fight her way into my pizza box to get the last slice, little monst.
My furballs are Frankie de Tom cat and his sister Princess Merlin the stupid.

They are indoor cats and don't bring me presents - thankfully. They spend their time trying to kill each other.

I think that there is a Colin and a Brian but can't remember who works for these moggies.
Mine were Pollen, Boris, Puffin, Woodie, Poppet, and Beresford, Brenda and 'Tinkerbella Pixiepaws Psychopuss' Zajacezeks Were Snoopy Smudge and now Coco(pops) We also at times had visitors... Bramble, Dizzie, Bushypuss, two ginger psychos in a previous flat belonged to neighbours but liked our roof garden, Now suffering from severe cat deficiency but can't have pets in the flat... and with 3 monthly checks it would be hard to hide one
Mine is Brian...and I love him. He makes me laugh everyday. He thinks I'm his Mum....he doesn't like us changing seats, and he doesn't like visitors. He especially doesn't like my daughter.

But he does love my rabbits :-)
2 in our house - Cleo & Cassidy - also known as FK and BNB (fat knacker and billy no balls). Cassidy thinks he's a dog and follows everyone around and carries 'babies' around in his mouth ( scrunched up paper), Cleo has OCD and hole patrols nearly all day (sits staring at a hole in our fence!)... and loves having her tummy tickled.

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