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Anyone been to see Ken Dodd?

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yelenots | 21:57 Wed 28th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
My OH wants to go and see him and I'm not sure! I believe his shows go on and on until the early hours....dont know if I could stand him for that long!


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According to Wikipedia he was born in 1927!
I can't read every post :(
We have seen him about 6 times, he is wonderful, we ached with laughing so much. The last time we saw him we didn't get out of the theatre until 1.30 a.m.
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It's the fact he goes on until 1.00am that I'm not keen on :-(
bit rude to get up and walk out when he hasn't finished though!
My friends husband went to Leicester to see him - the show finished at 12.30am!! Why does he do it at his age? KD aswell as the friend!
yelenots - if you have as good a time as we did then you won't notice what time it is ☺
a Ken Dodd one for postdog:

Royal Mail have just introduced a new set of stamps with famous prostitutes on them, they're 4p each but if you lick them they're 90p.
i was joking postdog lol........
Question Author're quite right....and usually when you dont want to go to something you usually really enjoy it! And if I dont like it I'll make him come to a Cliff Richard Concert to get my own back - ha ha!!

Thanks everyone :-)
He is famous for going on and on until past midnight. Theatre Managers have been known to throw him the keys and ask him to turn the lights out! Although I've not seen him I know many people who have and who love every last minute of it. A few do leave - last bus, baby sitters etc but he'll be used to that. Here are some reveiws to help you decide.

46p not 4p!
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Thanks for the link Maidup - very good
You're welcome.

Have you decided whether to go or not?
Why would anybody want to?

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Anyone been to see Ken Dodd?

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