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♫ I found my thrill♫...

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Bobbisox | 14:55 Thu 29th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Spill.... where did you find yours ?
next ?


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Dragging out the filing cabinet of my memory it was either him or him but DEFFO not both at the same time. yuck.

How would one know if one was coming or going?

(I think this posting of mine might get zapped. No offence meant to anyone, I've just washed my hair)
I presume you mean where did I eat my first Bakewell tart!!
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I quite like the name LL :-)

whoaaa Albi..:-)))))
Actually, my first big thrill was probably on the Big Dipper at Battersea Park.
FAO triggerhippy, can you let me know what you think of bf3 please.
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now that's more like it LL
mine was on the Waltzer up at Amble..hehe
-- answer removed --
My mother took me on the Big Dipper Bobbi. I was probably about 6!!
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<<<<<<<<<cruel Ma..LL...Lol >>>>>>>>>>>>
I think it was under the apple trees in the back garden....
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for Albi ;-))
We didn't sit Bobbio rolf :) xx

Thank you kindly tho x
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Alba!! lol
Bobi, cruel no. Apparently I kept wanting to keep going on it time and time again. She was scared stiff - I loved it!!
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Ohhh I don't like that thing LL, she was brave then eh?

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♫ I found my thrill♫...

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