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butterfly :)

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albaqwerty | 22:01 Thu 29th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
hope you get what you want tomorrow on your picninc xxxx

Just to say we are thinking of you.


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I missed this. What does butterfly want?
IMO Butterfly is a bit confused and doesn't really know what she wants atm - she is in a period of flux and change in her life (new job, illness meaning she can't finish off at her old job etc). She is meeting up with her ex tomorrow for a picnic - the suggestion being they might give it another shot. I think she has sensibly not made any decision either way and they are just going to talk. Although she was VERY concerned about what to wear!!!! (Read into that what you will).

I hope she has a good time.
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Butter is meeting up on a picnic with her ex. There have been fibs on both sides since they have split. They were together for 11 years before they bust up. Bust-up is too strong a phrase for it. I just hope they can sort it all out and either get back together or get back together

(I am a romantic) They seem to have been very happy together.
But something went wrong obviously. Was this the man who proposed and then promptly had a year long affair with someone else? If so, I despair, but it is very difficult when you live together for so long, so I do understand.
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Butter did say she couldn't go back, quite a few times in her posts. I'm more than confused,I do just wish her happiness and good health.
Glad you are taking our advice Butterfly and just meeting for a chat - tell him your true feelings ............and follow your heart ..
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what Ann says xx

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butterfly :)

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