I got a telling off at work today. Basically a colleague was suspended a while ago now then sacked. As everyone has known for a while what she did I thought the training person at work knew too and I was talking about it last week when she started questioning it all. Straight after I knew it would come back to bite me on the bum. Anyway big boss called me into office today and said it had got round other offices. I held my hands up to it all, but then I was asked where I had heard it from. Instead of saying who hadtold me I thought well may as well cut the middle people out and go straight to the first person who I knew had said so less people would get in trouble. I've been thinking about it since my ticking off, and now I know they will go to that person and as soon as they say '4getmenot' said you said it' not only will she hate me but also she will just say to them 'no I didnt tell her' which strictly is true. Do I now say something tomorrow so they dont think its her that told everyone? She only told one person that then came and told everyone in our office. I really dont know what to do. :-(
Probably best to come clean whilst trying to explain why you said what you did (in that you were trying to protect people rather than drop the person who you named in the Sugar).
but the one person she told I work with day to day so then that gets her in big trouble. maybe I should ask that they take her to one side and dont mention names.
big boss know I fudged up but some things she was asking if I told this girl I hadnt so someone else must have done. Always me that gets in trouble. yer I admit I shouldnt have said but big boss is quite pally with the one that originally told so dont think they'll confront her with it anyway.
well yes yellownanaI know that, I'm not saying I shouldnt have. Thats not the question. But I said thinking she knew. The other lady told everyone as a bit of gossip.
Don't wait for them to approach you. First thing tomorrow ask Big Boss if you can talk to her confidentially and tell her what you have now told us. And good luck. In future just don't say anything about anyone to anyone. Very difficult though!! Good luck x
Just go and say your piece, don't second guess what your colleagues are going to say or do. (Although I don't practice what I preach.) You'll feel better for getting it all straightened out.
yes thats why I said her first because I was thinking long those lines. But then she is the type of person that will hold it against me because I said it was her. And they will think she told everyone which she didnt the other woman did. but then I guess two people hating me is better than one and I have had the telling off now.
Hoping she will realise that, as I dont blame the other girl that said I told her as I know I shouldnt have. but then I'm quite laid back this woman isnt and can get quite snotty.
also hate thinking that big boss will think I'm a gossip and they cant trust me, there are loads of things I have kept secret I just thought everyone knew this.