I was in lich today and one came out dressed in full regalia with the three pointy hat thingy can't remember what its called, i was quite impressed not somethign you see every day i suppose
i did get a tad confused when he thanked tescos at the end and complimented them on their cookies
The hat's a Tricorn, fluffy! (no, not a Tri Cornet... )
We haven't got a crier but we do have a person who gets all dressed up on Mayorial occasions. I can't think what we call him, but he has similar gear to the town crier.
I was going to say Shrewsbury too, was wondering if he was still about as grew up there but not lived there a while now. He is ridiculously tall - 7ft 2!
Inwas in Chester a couple of years ago and theywerevholdingthevWorld Chamion Town Crier competition. Every afternoon for a couple of hours town criers from various countries shouted their stuff. They were dressed in full regalia and some of the wives and friends were dressed in clothes of the same era. I didn't realise other countries had town criers but there must have been about 20 countries represented along with lots of English counties. It was brilliant and very good for tourism I would imagine.