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Giggsie | 09:57 Tue 04th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
just home from great few days in blackpool. Firework display on Friday was amazing anyone else from AB there? It was mentioned on here some of you had been previously. Long journey for me but was so worth it.


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Hi futritcat,

Glad you enjoyed Blackpool and had a great time. The Doc ( aka Docspock ) is one of a few here from the area and sings the praises any chance he can get.

I'm sure he'll be on as soon as he wakes up, or if up, can get away from his fishing rod. :0)
Yeah we went a few weeks ago for the fireworks display. It was a really mild evening and we sat on the beach with bags of chips and watched- impressive innit?
I've not been to Blackpool. It's a VERY long way from here.

But I did find a hotel there which looked quite jolly.

Maybe I'll go and take a look some time.
how do you know when the fireworks displays are? We went a few weeks ago because we were meant to be seeing Adele but she cancelled. Had a cracking time.
We're back up next month for the rearranged concert.
i found out through a leaflet we got from school before the kids broke up for the summer Paul.
i live just up the coast from blackpool - at the end of the tram track!
The fireworks are always amazing - but the parking is a nightmare!
I live a few miles away from Blackpool and I cannot stand the place, it is full of shops that sell cheap and tacky holiday goods. In the winter when all the holiday makers have gone it is a dismal ghost town, when they are here in the summer it is too busy to even try to do any normal shopping.
well yes daffy, i am inclined to agree.
I decided to keep my comments to the fireworks only - otherwise i would have gone on a bit!
Awww, i love Blackpool!

And before you diss us's us that's keeping your town going!!

<wanders off, all huffy>
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I love it for the shows that are always on. We were sat on the beach on Saturday gt grandson was in the sea lovely day. Think that was the finals of fireworks on Saturday best displays I have ever seen. yes boo very impressive indeed. Cheap shops ok but I just love the atmosphere being on the prom.
It's not my town B00, I refuse to set foot in the place unless I have to go to the hospital. :)
I shop in Preston instead if I have to actually go to a shop instead of shop online. Other half only goes there because he works in Cleveleys and has mates who live there.
I live a few miles from Blackpool and go there often. I love people watching at a lovely little cafe at the end of Central Pier. Houndshill shopping Centre has everything and nice pavement cafes. True that the area around the Tower and along the front is a bit tatty but the beaches are lovely and clean and if you want posher bits then the north is ok.
I'm with puss, I think Blackpool is great. Not been recently though, must rectify that !

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