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Would you wish for heaven on earth?

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flobadob | 05:17 Sun 04th Sep 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
57 Answers
With the chance of hell hereafter. Would you like to give up all of life's luxuries so as to enjoy the fruits of other lives?


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Keyplus, your spinning wheel fairy tale contains an enormous flaw. If an intellectual - well known or not - had asked that question and received that answer, his next question would have been 'How do you know who is spinning the wheel?'
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Flababob,if you look around you there is a piece of heaven here on earth, I'm just thinking of the beautiful scenery you'd see in some parts of this world.
But no one here on earth can prove or disprove the existents of heaven or hell, God or the Devil. people can voice all your theory's they want, but it's down to the individual and what they believe in, regardless of their religion or non-religion. People don't need a pope or a religious figure to look up to tell them how to live their life. it's all within ourselves, how to live. So stop worrying about heaven and hell and just enjoy life.
Be still my beating heart... that was NAOMI... no?
Nice to see that few people are back after serving their term.

My dear birdie - You do not need to correct your posts. Either way it does not make sense.
Dolt I like your thought of heaven being here on earth. Yes I agree with that. I do think however that some guidance is needed for the young to find the right path in life, whether it is from school, or a quasi religious group meetings, by that I'm thinking more of Boy Scout/Guide movement, or even a national pride movement to give the children something to look to.
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Keyplus, //Nice to see that few people are back after serving their term.//

And what term would that be? If your intention wasn't quite so transparent I'd say 'nice try' - but it is, so I won't. So much for your newly-discovered honesty. :o)

Incidentally, Keyplus, had you checked your facts before committing your eager thoughts to print your obvious pleasure in my return could have been enjoyed rather earlier. Never mind. Better late than never. ;o)

No advance on the mysterious wheel-spinning hand then? Thought not.

Hi Clanad. :o)
"Would you wish for heaven on earth?"


What we have on this earth is far more heavenly,(loosely speaking) if only these religious freaks would allow us all to enjoy it without trying to thrust all this God garbage down our throats and stop influencing innocent children and the gullible.
So, flobadob, what is the chance of hell hereafter? How does one assess the odds on the possibility of the reality of something that is nothing more than a fearful and hateful idea ingrained by superstitious men into the minds of other superstitious men?
Putting aside all religious dogma and looking at the Bible record we are told that right from the beginning of man’s life on earth God made the first human pair in His image and likeness. (Genesis 1:26-28) There is not even a hint that God’s purpose for them was that they and their children would eventually die and go to heaven or some other place. As they carried out their God-given commission to “be fruitful and become many and fill the earth,” the earth gradually would be filled with their descendants not heaven.
Elderman, by claiming that God made the first human pair in his image and in his likeness, you are not putting aside religious dogma - you are endorsing it. There is more to the story than Genesis 1:26-28, because Adam and Eve don't appear until Chapter 2 - and there we are given more than a hint of the purpose of their creation. We are told precisely what it was.
I wish that more people would live their lives to the full here on earth in the here and now instead of banking on there being something 'better' afterwards.
. . . no less those who blow themselves up along with innocent bystanders as a demonstration of their faith.
If heaven is an eternity full of Christians, that would be hell for me!

"Even if there is a heaven when we die
Endless bliss would be as meaningless as the lie"
I don't do any major things on a chance. There is a Hell hereafter. Life's luxuries have been increased for me since my conversion. I highly value Truth, Hope, Meaning, Strength, and all those abstract nouns that bring chest pains to Nominalists. :)

This sounds suspiciously like the atheist version of Pascal's Wager. We are either (in my terms) talking sin or we aren't. IS 'luxury' a code term for sin. Do you mean adultery, thievery, or what. Like I said, and I will swear to it, my Happiness Quotient went way way up since my conversion years ago.

But I will place a bet : I think your term 'luxury' is the religious term 'sin' in disguise.

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