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Going in hospital

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10ClarionSt | 15:45 Sat 08th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
I've been waiting for months to get a date for a hip replacement. I've now been told it will be on 22nd Oct. And I'm absolutely terrified. Never been in hospital in my life, except as a visitor. I know these things a very commonplace now, and almost everyone knows someone who's had it done, and they all speak nicely and positively about it, but I'm shaking in my boots. Hate hospitals. You could've knocked me down with a feather when I was told what the problem was. It was the last thing I expected. That it was some kind of muscle or ligament thingy. But this? Have you had it done? I don't have any other health problems, i.e. heart, blood pressure, diabetes, breathing etc. Don't take medication for anything, so I'm hoping to get over it fairly quickly. Gulp!


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You will be fine my mum (86 ) had it done at christmas time was in hospital 4 days no problems at all. Just do your execises after op she did and is good as new does not even use a stick.Chin up good luck.
my 'better'half is waiting for appointment for his back op,which he's dreading also.I'm sure all will be fine.where pos ask questions.all the best
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