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Makes my blood boil

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Davethedog | 15:20 Wed 19th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
Hi possibly the wrong place but here go's:

I have a grandson hes 4 months now and teething so off we go to Boots to get something to rub on the little man's gums.

So we are looking and I notice that two of these teething powders are homeopathic now I don't mind if an adult wants to waste their money and pretend they are getting better but a baby can't complain and has no idea of the placebo effect.

Why is this quackery allowed.


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I'm with you BOO....

Especially the amount of parents who say it works...
Anybody fancy a Homeopathic Gin and Tonic?

Carefull now they've been diluted 30 times so they're very very strong
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If you don't understand the difference, how can you question it? There is no active ingredient in homeopathic remedies. They belive what makes you ill makes you better so they say put a drop arsenic and say they dilute it to 1 in a million or more.

So say you have a headache a homeopath would give you, say, a drop of diluted asprin that drop of asprin would be dropped ( in proportion) in a swimming pool, but much more, and you would get a bottle from the pool to cure your headache.

I dunno whether they work or not ummmm, not really what I'm getting at. I'm just flabberghasted someone would get so irate over something that's so inconsequential- it's just daft.
I haven't a clue either :-)
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Boo - they don't work so what happens is that you put something on the gums and it cools them but it doesn't get to the pain. Now if you an adult thats up to you, but if your a baby you get needless pain instaed of remedy.

And believers will say oh but its because he/she is teething and put more on.
I've got a bloody gurt bottle of homeopathic rat-killer, here,'s been diluted 100 times, so if you'd like to pay me twice as much as 'regular' rat-poison costs, I shall be happy to send it to you. I can guarantee you it is 100% effective; at some point after ingesting this poison, the rat will die. ;o)
lmao@ Jack, i hate you ;-)

But if it doesn't work Dave, surely the parents would then go out and get summet that does? Yes I can see why you'd scoff at homeopathic stuff, i might too, but I just couldn't bring myself to get to the stage it has you over this, i've bigger things to worry about- like a rat in mi kitchen for a start!
Quote 'So say you have a headache a homeopath would give you, say, a drop of diluted asprin that drop of asprin would be dropped ( in proportion) in a swimming pool, but much more, and you would get a bottle from the pool to cure your headache'.

This shows that you do not know all that you think you do. Actually it is not a drop of the cure; it is something that would cause the same symptoms as those that the sufferer is exhibiting. It also depends on the characteristics of the sufferer as well, this part is missing from remedies bought 'off the shelf'.

This is a similar principal to that used in vacinations.

It should be remembered that scientific 'knowledge' is merely what we have learnt so far and is continually being modified.

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