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Morning Sleeepyheads

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albaqwerty | 05:41 Thu 20th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
I know it's cold outside but at least it's another step closer to the weekend :)

Take care and hope you are all well xx


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I think so too.... The fun stuff just makes it less stressful
Morning guys. X
Alba, I so much agree. Tucked away in AB are individuals who know about, or who work in, specialist areas - and the support offered generally by the rest of us who know less, but still care a lot, is wonderful. It doesn't matter what it is - advice, bereavement, illness, my lost cat - everyone rallies round. I'm so glad I found this site!
Morning all
A fine good morning to you albaqwerty, and one and all
Rowan, your avatar i have seen the face/mask in a film recently but been racking my brain to think which one.
morning all was very cold this morning warming up now, even asda was empty this morning :)

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