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It was my fault. Sorry.

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bibblebub | 22:51 Thu 20th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
5 Answers

"Microsoft profits rise on Office sales"

I was the one who bought a copy of Microsoft Office a couple of months ago and so am responsible for helping Microsoft in their quest for world domination. I am sorry and have started the self-flagellation already.


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"the end of the world is nigh." Tax bibblebub on his capitalistic purchases, so he buys an Iranian or Syrian package and saves the repressed.....
I thought it was Tesco who wanted to take over the world.
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according to Tears For Fears it was everybody
Yes, that is right, starbuckone. If they got any bigger we could rename Earth Planet Tesco!
They have just finished building a new Tesco at Yate, near Bristol. I understand from my informants that it is HUGE. It opens next Monday. One more step to ruling the world.

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It was my fault. Sorry.

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