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TWR | 18:23 Fri 21st Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
Do you find at times, it does not matter what you do you cannot please everyone?


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Yes, I do understand & thanks, I was thinking if the women had said something more serious, I'm sure you will understand what I mean? But I will let this drop now.
what women?
i really don't understand what you mean, sorry
Having no family other than Mrs MM, she is the only one I have to please.
I'm a woman. What did I do?
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Bedknobs, I am not going into that now, I will let it be.
Then why start the flipping post?
<<<still love ya TWR xxx
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No probs Boo, me 2xx
I really think that some people struggle reading plain English.

TWR - you were warned by the Ed. Your suspension was explained by the Ed. What more do you expect?

DT - Everyone on that *newbies* thread explained it to chose not to listen. Get over were wrong.
really TWR, its not worth fretting about.
I can never please anyone never mind everyone so dont sweat it.
TWR does it really matter - at the end of the day Answerbank is just Answerbank, surely you have a life away from it? It's fun, yes, but not the be all and end all. Cheer up x
I had a best friend who would make comments whenever I did something that wasn't done her way or of her approval. We argued a hell of a lot because of her nit-picking. Basically, I couldn't do right for doing wrong.

We're no longer friends.

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