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emmie | 17:22 Sat 22nd Oct 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
any help would be great
32a 5
insects, cryptic, there used to be an added piece on

74a 9
thanks, cryptic, thinks, when among friends, the tide will turn


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32a Wasps - was + ps
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ah thank you..
74a Answered earlier as meditates. We think 'thanks' is a misprint for thinks.
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i put in dedicated simply because i couldn't find anything else,
cheers will change it.
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last one, and seems easy?

60d 3
stand, cryptic, stand before you, speaking
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SR, i did put tee, but it still seems odd. But thanks for confirming.
Sounds like letter T which comes before U

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