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I haven't been around at this time of night ...normally

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Bobbisox | 00:01 Sun 23rd Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
91 Answers
good, isn't it?


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I hope that your ladder doesn't prove to be 'collapsible' when you're at the top of it, Smowball!
I was just about to bid on a pair of slippers on Ebay, but then realised they were used and a photo of some dirty mare's feet in them - in fact 5 varying photos of her feet in them - it says they will be laundered before posting - I am guessing it is a foot fetish type of thingy - would you be bothered - mind you I have a pair by the back door that are pretty minging.....I wonder how much I would get for them (:o((
lol Buenchico! that wont reach my outside light!
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DEN,,,I luvya kiddo
you make me smile and laugh...
you are sooo special xxx
Just realised I had actually dozed off over my laptop! Think I must go to bed now. Thanks for the chat, night night all.
Thats a result, Smowball - normally things like ladders are for collection only - you can never have too many ladders, they will always come in handy, but never leave them laying around unchained in the garden, cause burglars will use them.......where we used to live, my neighbours were broken in to, and they used OUR ladders, see cause we never had them chained up. zzzzzzzzzzzz right now I am off to bed.
Used slippers?? What The Funicular! Ladders - lol, well we dont have a garage so it has to be one that collapses for storage - NOT wen up it, that wudnt be good!
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me too, great chat and even better company, g'night all xxxx
Goodnight, Valanne.

Sleep well.
. . . and good night to you as well, Bobbi ;-)
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Night Chris
pssst, great moderating,,,hehe

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I haven't been around at this time of night ...normally

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