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St Pauls to close for the first time since WW2.

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anotheoldgit | 15:56 Fri 21st Oct 2011 | News
57 Answers

I wonder if a Mosque would be forced to close, because of EDL protesters?

I think the police would soon move them on.


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"A group of EDL protesters are camped outside a Mosque for several days because of this the Mosque is forced to close it's doors for Friday's prayers ."

chance would be a fine thing
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If one is seeking cheap accommodation in London, perhaps for the Olympics next year say, then take along a tent, pick a prime location, ideally next to one of those expensive coffee bars or similar capitalist establishment, erect a 'Socialist Workers' placard, and one is sorted.
I saw the protest a couple of days ago. The encampment of tents was smaller than the one which greeted the royal wedding earlier in the year; and nobody seemed to object to that.
"I wonder if a Mosque would be forced to close, because of EDL protesters?"

when those violent idiots go anywhere en mass, its usually roads and towns that are forced to closure.
Ironic that a protest against Mammon should close a Christian place
if you see the tents up close, its a lot more spread out. Plus a new camp is being set up elsewhere, really think it's time the police stepped in.
// I wonder if a Mosque would be forced to close, because of EDL protesters? //

Probably not, they are made of sterner stuff, not wimps.

// Elders at the mosque said the timing of the protests were particularly insensitive because it fell not just on the anniversary of the 11 September attacks, but also during Ramadan, a deeply spiritual month where Muslims fast from dawn until sunset.

The violence which erupted in the early evening came in stark contrast to the peaceful mass protest earlier in the day before the anti-Islamic demonstrators had arrived.

In an emotional speech during midday prayers, the mosque's imam, Ajmal Masroor, called on his followers to ignore any anti-Muslim protesters and resist the temptation to retaliate. He prompted laughter when he told listeners: "My father always said to me, 'If a dog bites your leg do you turn around and bite the dog back?' Of course not." //
As was said on TV last night - it's ironic that the protesters who are protesting against capitalisation etc., are spending so much of their time and money in the local Starbucks.
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/// Probably not, they are made of sterner stuff, not wimps.///

That's great coming from one who is always defending our tolerant
ways. ///
I wanna know what a professional anarchist is?
when she was being interviewed, a young lady gave her job title as such :-(
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Time for our tolerant police to remove the 'great unwashed' from St Pauls.

Preferably by water cannon, that would solve three problems at one go.

1/ Get rid of the protesters.

2/ Give the un-washed a good wash

3/ Wash the area where they have been.
yep freezing cold water canon will soon shift em AOG :-)

What crime have they commited?

Do you not believe in the right to protest, or do you just think it should have a time limit on it?
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/// I wanna know what a professional anarchist is?
when she was being interviewed, a young lady gave her job title as such ///

It is the type of job title that are given to less attractive job titles mostly used by the Guardian's jobs page.

'Professional anarchist' sounds much better than an 'unemployed troublemaking layabout'.
yes it does have a better ring to it AOG ,,
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/// What crime have they commited? ///

Now where do we begin? Erecting unlawful dwellings on private land, Contravening health and safety laws, Dropping litter, Refusing to remove themselves at the request of the guardians of the building, just for starters.

/// Do you not believe in the right to protest, or do you just think it should have a time limit on it? ///

Yes I believe there should be a right to protest, but there should be a limit to it.

March on London, congregate in a safe area to enable speeches to be heard, and then go on to hand in a petition to say No 10 for example, and then disassemble.

Other than that there is always a chance to enter your name down on the on-web site petitions, failing all that there is always the 'Ballot Box'.

But at the end of the day, these protests are just a waste of time did the Government of the time take any notice of the 'Anti Iraqi War' protest?
bobbisox / aog - "'Professional anarchist' sounds much better than an 'unemployed troublemaking layabout'."

would you have said the same of the suffragettes ?

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