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Good Morning Ab'ers.

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NoMercy | 04:50 Wed 26th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Hope you have a great day.

I won't be doing this commuting malarky for much longer... I will soon be starting my new job which is about 3 mins' walk from home. The upshot of that is I would get to lie in bed until around half seven every weekday. :-)

Enjoy your day everyone. X x x


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just as I post about the nice Av he changes the b thing
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Morning em, Space, Rowan and bensmum.
Good morning to each and every single one of you - and to the extra special one of you who listened to my outpourings yesterday a very big thank you - you are definitely a mate!!
Can't hang around this morning, got piles of paperwork (as usual) to get shifted. The round grey thing in the corner looks favourite to receive some!!

have a good day y'all and, if you have one, may your god go with you
Morning Welshy x

Just feed the entire lot into the round grey thing :)
Morning NoMercy, morning all, bit fresh this morning over north Essex, so glad you got the new job NoMercy -nice one.
The thunder and lightning may be coming your way, brenden - it's here in Kent at the moment!
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Morning Welsh, Brenden and Boxy.

Boxy, I will be working within the Mental Health Directorate. Mostly patients with dementia and alzheimers. It's not hospital based so should be a far less frantic environment than I will am used to with orthopaedics and oncology.
morning, congrats on getting the job
No Mercy - only just logged back on - was a bit of an early bird this morning. Thanks for asking about my DIL. She is doing well at the moment and handling it a lot better than I think I would. She has had a bit of a chest infection for the past week which has been a worry and she has started losing weight but she had put weight on during the chemo so hopefully she will just go back to her normal size. She's enjoying half term holiday this week with the children and they have gone away for a days.
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Thanks Brenden and Fluffy. x
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Are they treating her with curative intent or it is palliative chemo? x
She is not having any treatment now. She has cancer at the base of her spine which is not suitable for radiotherapy and she has been having chemo for some months. On a routine body scan they have discovered it has spread to her lungs and is in her lymph nodes. All this has occurred whilst she has been on the chemo so her doctor has suggested, and she has agreed, that her quality of life is more important than putting her through more chemo. She has another appointment in early Nov but she wanted to enjoy the holiday. Without further treatment she has months to live but as it spread to her lungs whilst she was already on chemo the doctor does not see the point of continuing. Don't know what they are going to say in November that is different from now.
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Oh dear, I'm really sorry. x
Good luck NoM with the new job.

I have a patient here for you.

Am keeping a diary as to the possibility of a book to pick up on general advice and humour in this, what there is........
Thanks for your concern. She is a fighter and has loads of family support so we'll just see what happens.
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What happened to DT? Why the suspension?

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Good Morning Ab'ers.

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