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albaqwerty | 06:01 Thu 27th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
A few days to go before the clocks go back.

I know what I'm doing with my extra hour !!

Hope you have a good Thursady xx


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Good morning oh morning person. Alright there Alba? xx
Question Author
Am good thanks Nora x

LOL SC, it's an extra hour for the Q&P'ers to ask their questions :)

I've just noticed, what the heck is a Thursady??!! That'll teach me to get excited about an extra hour.
day before Friady =)
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lol of course silly me. The start of the week is Moanday :D
G`morning each.
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Morning Carlton, any water-wings today??
Good morning. I've been up since 4.45am but will be going back to bed at 8ish when my other half has left for work :)
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Morning Daffy, How is your son?

I normally pop back at 7 and get up at 9 but have to be somewhere at 9 so it's going to be a loooong day.
Thankayou, I a-will, night -a- night ! (I'm a dirty stop up).
Morning all....

Nice to see you AP :-) x
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lol I'm too old to be a dirty stop-up. What on earth is 11pm??

Morning ummmmmmmmmmmm :) x

I remember when I could stay up for days....two late nights turns me into a zombie nowadays.
Morning albaqwerty, morning all, looks like rain to-day but thankfully not cold, hope you all enjoy your day - whatever you are doing.
Morning all, raining here in the south - at least the cat has just come in soaking wet so I'm assuming it is. Too dark to go out there yet. Have a good day xx
Morning folks... I think its wet in birmingham as well... oh well soon be the week end have a nice one folks
Have a happy day all you nice morning people. =) xx
Alba, my son is feeling very sorry for himself. He is barely eating at the moment and being driven mad by his itchy spots. Bless him :)
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poor love. You just wait til he gets his apetite back tho, he'll eat you out of house and home. Wishing him a speedy recovery.
morning all, dull damp and miserable here without much hope of improvement.

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