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having a happy dance

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firewatch | 13:37 Wed 26th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Since june my life has been blighted by next door being way over crowded, the two grandparents there daughter son in law and 4 kids and 2 dogs.
Kids are little Mangetouts scuse the language but in one day alone they deliberatley kicked the ball at our front window 4 times, chucked stones at our car and threw stones through our front door nearly hitting my toddler.
Got a slight come back for them when the kids did not go to school after the holidays for three weeks, contacted the local education authority lol. Soon got it sorted then!
The noise is incessant especially at weekends from 8am-11pm, or later if the adults have been drinking.
well they are finally bloody going!!!!!! WOOPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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wow its so peaceful!!!!!!!!!!!
sssshh don't tempt fate. Enjoy the silence x
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i did-there 22 month old grabdsons out in the garden-owen i can cope with not the older ones. he plays nicely!!
Do you get on with the grandparents?
How old are the older g/kids??
If you get on with the g/parents, mention to them that as you are unwell (OK bare faced lie they aren't to know that) you haven't been able to mention sooner about the noise is adding to your stress and hindering recovery.
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lol, i am unwell, have fibromyalgia and bad depression with agoraphobia. the older ones were 4 6 9 and 12. Not really they say hello but thats it really. They know im ill as i often wear supports for various joints. They knew the noise was annoying cos i often shouted out the windows for the kids to shut up lol, or 0took the mick by saying loudly to my hubby what happen to queens english ;)
If the abuse starts up again, yes thowing stones at your car and kicking ball at window is abuse, have a word with your community policeman (if they still exist) I know it's not a pleasant thought but you are paying to live there and should be afforded consideration. ASBO springs to mind for the 12 year old.
Just ask for advice.
So sorry to hear you really are unwell xxxx
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the 12 year wasnt the problem, sinead was ok it was the younger ones, my husband is a pcso, and has started an anti social diary on them, and we have told our local pcso (hubby works the other side of the pond). once one of the boys called me a lady dog and thought i couldnt/didnt hear. i can lip read, they thought i called the police, but i was phoning my hubby at work to come home (his force are very very under standing). Meh im used to it mate, my hubby is going grey because of my agoraphobia but im getting better goals and targets are my way of copingxx
sorry for not getting back sooner. My connection is weird at best and non-existant at worst.
I hope you are setting yourself achievable targets, small successes mean a lot xx

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