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BA crews to have a 'gay' old time.

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anotheoldgit | 14:27 Fri 28th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

As the pilot, I would say I don't mind a hug, but keep your hands off my 'joy stick'.


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From what I've heard there is no problems with pilots interacting with certain cabin crew!
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I don't get how, when you imagine being hugged by a member of cabin crew, your first thought is of a chap!!

this is more what I had in mind! http://1.bp.blogspot....Ef4/s400/Red+Bull.bmp
My ex husband ran off with an airline steward called peter... I dread to think what would have happened if the pilot got involved as well
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Yes very beautiful, but aren't most male cabin staff, gay?

Anyway that wouldn't have given me the privilege to use 'my play on words'.
Although I think the relative proportion may still be quite high, I think that trend may be passing as more young lads see it not as a woman's job, but as a chance to spend a lot of time with good looking young women! It crossed my mind when I was younger, travel + dolly birds galore = well worth the stick from mates!
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I don't know about hugging, but it seems a good idea that the pilots should have team ethos with the rest of the crew. The main man can get very isolated. Bit like GPs, they can be isolated, do they know who the receptionists who work for them are?

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BA crews to have a 'gay' old time.

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