why the hell are nancy and anton still in? Surely people can only be voting for him, rather than her - can't they see (in my opinion) HE is making HER look bad, She is just rubbish but he is flinging her round so i don't think she has any choice but to be bad. I am usually on Aton's side because they seem to give him the crap partners but he is really rating on me this year with all his innane jokes Why can't the both of them just SHUT UP?
It never ceases to amaze me when somebody asks a question on Aber, some bright spark - in this case brionon asks 'WHO CARES?' Why, why, why???? If you're not interested in the thread - stay away - simples !!!!
was it bob monkhouse who said they'd asked viewers to phone in their opinions about something?
30% said yes
20% said no
50% said they weren't bothered either way.
Mwahahaha! Mwahahaha! always makes me laugh.
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