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Chicken liver pate

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pips1 | 12:30 Mon 31st Oct 2011 | Food & Drink
5 Answers
I bought some of this from a deli about 10 days ago, it was the last portion in their dish at the shop. As I've had a busy week it is still in the fridge wrapped up, it smells OK, anyone know how long it keeps?


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Hi pips,the deli where I used to work sold Patchwork Pate which has a shelf life of 10 days but the problem is you don't know how long they had had it before you bought it. Personally if it smells ok,I would eat it (but I am no where near as obsessed with dates as most people are these days!) To me,you can smell or taste if something is off.
If it smells OK and looks OK, it probably is OK. Try a small portion, if it tastes OK, then it will be fine!
Give your husband some first, and wait.

I assume you're a woman, as a man wouldn't worry; he'd just scoff it if it wasn't bright green.
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ha ha venator, good idea! Thanks for other replies too, as you say it all depends how long the shop had it. Have tried small piece and think it's OK, just wanted reassuring.
I always use my nose and it never let me down so far. slightest doubt and I bin it.

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