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Mornin' All.

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moonraker558 | 05:48 Sat 29th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Just starting to do some swotting up on core values prior to an interview to keep my job on Thursday, what happened to the day's gone by when you could just walk into a yard and say give us a job? And there is the Grand Prix qualifying on this morning...I don't know how I am going to fit it all in before cooking dinner tonight for OH coming in from work. Happy Day's.


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Morning Moon..hope you do good on Thursday...I'm just geting my stuff together for a weekend away...hope the weather is not too bad...get an extra hour this weekend too...
Morning moonraker and murraymints, have been promised a fair weekend weather wise over north Essex, keeping my fingers crosse. Have a nice day.
Morning both, have just returned to the eastern shires after a fairly long break in la belle France. Nightmare journey back yesterday with 2 lanes closed at the Dartford crossing, the M25 car park was full, M11 closed...:(
Have a good day everyone and good luck for Thursday Moon.
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JD, You can't beat a trip away. The joy's of motoring.
morning all good luck with your job moon
Morning all, looks like it's going to be a fine weekend down in the south.
Good luck with the job Moonraker, have a good day everyone xx
Morning to all you busy people, and hope all goes well.

None odf the old faithfuls signed in yet - are you all polishing your broomsticks?
hi all
happy swotting moony
dry start here in Norn Iron-so it is
Morning all dark, damp and miserable at the moment. Keep that swotting up moonie, these days if you've got a job you have to look after it
Morning all...

I was awaken by the postman. Are they allowed to knock at 7.30? :-(
Morning everyone...
Morning me owld mucker`s.
better than having to trek to the delivery office to collect it later...

Will be back later to post the rules for tonights quiz
Morning peelets xx

Good luck for Thursday moonie xxx (See, I can spell Thursday properly)

Looking forward to the quiz this evening, therefore I'm talking nicely to my dongle :)
sorry, should be peeplets. Still can't spell.....
ummmm, our postman doesn't arrive till 2.30 and doesn't knock or ring, just dumps parcels outside the door and scarpers. Count your blessings.
They don't usually arrive till after lunch....but this was a parcel. Wasn't even for me....
Good luck for Thursday Moonraker x
how did Thursday go ?

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Mornin' All.

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